Common Plants That Make You Itchy
Common Plants That Make You Itchy
The outdoors makes a lot of people feel good and refreshed. However, coming home feeling itchy all over your body can be a hassle, especially if you’ve end up with rashes. Your trip outside would add stress instead of making your feel relaxed. Many people don’t notice, but there are actually plants that make you feel itchy. Those plants you’ve encountered during your simple trip outside or that relaxing afternoon at your yard may have led to your itch.
There are plants that can cause rashes or make people itchy when they come in contact with it. While the poison ivy usually the one that comes into mind, there are also other common garden plants that can cause skin irritation or itching. What are some of these plants? Below are some common plants that make you itchy:
The Poison Ivy
Poison ivy is a common plant that can be found all throughout the country. You can easily encounter it outdoors, especially during hikes. It can grow almost anywhere. You can find it in weedy areas, the roadside and even on fences as well. The poison ivy’s sap causes is the reason for itching. Some of the common signs of poison ivy allergic reactions are: redness of the skin, blisters, itching and swelling.
The Wood Nettle
Another common plant that can make you feel itchy is the wood nettle. It is an herb, and it can usually be found along streams, forests or rivers. It has purple or green leaves. The hairs that stick out of this herb cause the itchiness. Contact with it can lead to reddish and itchy marks on your skin.
The Poison Oak
Poison oak commonly grows along dry areas, but it can also be found on forests and woods. Its leave can either be red or green. It has berries during the summer. It is also a common plant that can be found throughout the country as well. In the fall, the leaves turn red and orange. Signs of itch commonly appear on your wrist, ankles or neck if you get in contact with the plant.
The Poison Sumac
Poison sumac is a shrub that has a stalk that appears to be reddish. It also has a yellow flower, and the plant usually thrives along wet areas. It can usually be found along ponds, streams or banks. The symptoms of poison ivy and poison oak are quite similar.
The Stinging Nettle
The stinging nettle is also an herb that has hairs that cause the itching. It also grown throughout the country, and it is commonly found in the mountains or forests. It looks like a weed, and it has pinkish flowers that look like hearts. Coming in contact with the plant can cause stinging and itchiness as well.
The Ragweed
Aside from the seasonal sinus allergies, ragweed can also cause itching and lead to skin rash when you come in contact with them. They thrives in places that get a lot of sunlight, and some of the signs of being affected with it is a painful rash that has little bumps and blisters.
How To Prevent It
Preventing these rashes and skin allergies can be quite easy once you know the plants that cause them. In order to prevent yourself from coming in contact with these plants and herbs, make sure that you are covered whenever you’re going out for a hike. Also make sure that you wear gloves whenever you are gardening as well, and pants and long sleeves can help prevent itching in case you suddenly touch any of these plants. Be cautious when hiking, and look closely before touching or stepping on anything.