How to Keep Your Pets Safe from Suburban Coyotes
How to Keep Your Pets Safe from Suburban Coyotes
Because of the lack of food sources, as well as, shelter for coyotes, these animals are beginning to wander close to neighborhoods. Coyotes can be harmful creatures, because they will prey on chickens, lambs, and sometimes even our pets as well. Cats and dogs are also at risk of becoming their meal as well.
Our pets are an important part of your family, and as an owner, you will do everything you can to make sure that they are protected against coyotes. With the increase of the presence of coyotes in various neighborhoods and suburban areas, you need to make sure that your pets are well protected in case it finds itself in an encounter with a coyote. What are the precautions you can take? What are ways to protect your pets against possible attacks from coyotes? Below are some of the methods or things that you can do to make sure that your pets are well-protected:
Don’t Leave Your Pet Outside Alone
If coyotes have become common in your area, it will be best not to let your pet outdoors if you won’t be there to keep an eye on it. This is especially true if your yard doesn’t have fencing that is coyote proof. If you won’t be able to supervise your pet while its playing outside, them it will be best to leave it indoors for the meantime until you’ve already have time to stay with your pet while it plays outdoors.
Install Good Quality Fencing
Another way to make sure that your pets are safe from coyotes is by installing a solid and good-quality fence. The ideal fence should be at least six feet tall, and it should also be buried deeply well into the ground. This is because coyotes can dig. Adding in some wires or tubes on the top of your fence is also recommended. Pipes will prevent the coyote from gripping the fence.
Have A Well-Lit Yard
If you want to protect your yard especially during the night, you can also install lights that are motion-sensor operated. Most coyotes will turn their back once they figure out that your yard is well-lit.
Seal And Dispose of Your Trash Properly
If you don’t want coyotes in your garden, then you should make sure that you don’t attract them by becoming a good food source. Coyotes will do anything to hunt for food, and you need to make sure that the coyotes don’t smell anything that will interest them. Coyotes usually eat anything, so make sure that you put your garbage inside a container that is sturdy. Also ensure that it is tightly sealed as well. If your pets seat outside, make sure you clear their food and water bowls right away after meal time. This goes the same for other items such as bird feeder.
Scare Them Away
When you encounter a coyote, you should also know how to scare them off. Don’t make coyotes think that they can be comfortable around humans. What you can do is to blow a whistle or make a lot of noise whenever you see one nearby. You can also wave your arms up in order to appear taller or larger, as this will scare them off.