Natural Fertilizer Ideas
Natural Fertilizer Ideas
You probably have plants in your yard of garden, and when it comes to nourishing and making them grow, you would need to use fertilizer. However, chemical fertilizers can be expensive, and they aren’t really the safest option as well.
Because of this, natural fertilizers have become available in the market, but they aren’t really the cheapest. The good thing is that there are actually alternatives and low cost options that will help your plants grow. It is also one of the best ways of making sure that you are going to eat healthy food. The good thing is that there are various natural fertilizers you can use in your garden. These are also quite simple to find. What are some examples of natural fertilizers?
1. Banana Peels
Bananas are great sources of potassium for us humans, and it can also benefit your plants as well. What you have to do is to simply bury its peel in a hole, or throw in some peels on where you are planning to plant your flowers. Another option is burying the peel in mulch. This will help them turn into natural compost, and will help your flowers bloom bigger. They will also work the same for other plants and vegetables.
2. Grass Clippings
If you have a lawn and you regularly cut the grass, you can use the clippings as natural fertilizer for your garden plants. These clippings will be able to block weeds from growing. Nitrogen is also a vital nutrient for plants, and these grass clippings are rich in them. So using them as fertilizer will also your plants absorb such nutrients as well.
3. Eggshells and Kitchen Scraps
Did you know that a lot of the unused scraps in your kitchen could also be used as fertilizer? For example, you can use eggshells and bury them in the soil near your plants or vegetables. They will also work as great fertilizers for your tomatoes and pepper. These shells can also help your fruits grow bigger and healthier as well.
For your kitchen scraps, what you can do is to mix them with your garden waste. This will make your own compost, which will help release nutrients. You can use apply this on your soil, and it will help your vegetables thrive, especially during the dry summer season.
4. Coffee Grounds
Coffee grounds can also be used as fertilizers. It can be used best on plants that grow well on acidic soil. Examples of such plants are roses, tomatoes, and blueberries. What you can do is to recycle your coffee grounds after using them. You can dress your gardens by sprinkling them over the top of your soil or you can soak your coffee grounds for at least seven days, and use it to water your plants.
5. Manure
Another obvious natural fertilizer is manure. It can come from various sources like cows, chickens, and other animals. However, you need to make sure that you use is carefully and sparingly. Raw manure is acidic, and it can burn your plants because it contains more nutrients than what your plants need. If you will be using raw manure, make sure that you only use to dress the top of your gardens. If you’re using composted manure, then you can use a little bit more of it. It will especially help with water retention.