Proper Safety Gear When Mowing
Proper Safety Gear When Mowing
Many homeowners may be aware, but there are actually a lot lawn mower accidents and injuries that occur yearly. Lawn mowers can be dangerous, especially if you aren’t wearing the correct safety gear when mowing your lawn. You can help prevent such injuries by making sure that you are wearing the proper attire, and practicing the right safety guidelines.
The correct safety gear is important to make sure that you are safe whenever you are doing your mowing tasks. Your gear should be able to protect you from the dangers that can happen when you are performing the task. But what safety gear should you have when mowing? Below is a list that will help equip you in choosing the proper safety gear when doing this task:
No Flip Flops and Sandals
Wearing the proper footwear is a vital part of your attire when you are mowing. Your feet will be close to the blades of the lawnmower, along with other debris that will be flying while you are pushing it. This is why you should never wear flip flops, slippers, sandals, or open toe shoes when you are mowing. Make sure that you are wearing closed shoes that are study, in order to protect your feet. You can choose shoes that are made from thick materials like leather booths, or even tennis shoes. Make sure that your shoes don’t have holes before using them.
Rules on Clothing
Expect flying debris when you are mowing the lawn, so you should also make sure that your skin is properly covered with the right clothing. It is recommended to wear pants, even if you might be tempted to wear shorts because of the hot weather. This is important for safety, and to be able to protect your legs as well. This is because your legs will be near the blades, and pants are essential in making sure that you are protected against potential cuts or scrapes that will come from the debris. Long sleeves are recommended as well. Proper clothing will also be able to protect you from possible sunburn as well. It is also important to make sure that your clothes fit properly. Loose clothing might end up being caught by the lawnmower, which can cause serious injuries. The same goes for the wearing of jewelries as well.
Protective/Safety Gear
It is also important to wear the right protective gear along with proper clothing attire while you are mowing your lawn.
Such safety gear includes goggles or sunglasses that can be properly wrapped around your face in order to protect your eyes and face from flying debris as well.
Ear Plugs And Face Mask Or Bandana
Also put in some ear plugs to protect and lessen the damage of the loud sound of the engine. Putting a face mask or bandana over face while mowing can also help protect you against flying debris as well.
Make sure to wear protective gloves as well. This is so that your hands are properly covered and protected from the flying debris.